About Us


Paisano Labs was founded in 2011 by seasoned industry professionals.  We focus on technology for Formation Evaluation (Logging) While Drilling.  We are located in Houston near our key suppliers and deliver our products to customers around the world.

Paisano Labs commercialized both the PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tool  and GRe Enhanced Gamma Ray  in 2015.  We have implemented a program of Continuous Product Improvement since our first field tests, resulting in the highest log quality and reliability for our customers.  


March, 2024 - Paisano Labs releases revised PR2 Borehole Effects Correction Software with WITS I/O.  This version operates with any WITS-compatible MWD surface receiver and log plotting software.

January, 2024 - Paisano Labs delivers first 200 deg. C rated GRe to Gordon Technologies.  Product is fully commercialized.  

December, 2023 Paisano Labs completes renovations and expansion of our Electronics Lab to support growing demand for our Gamma Ray and Propagation Resistivity tools, increasing square footage by 2X.  

July, 2023 - Gordon Technologies, LLC acquires Paisano Labs.  Click Here to learn more.

April, 2022 - Paisano Labs completes renovations and expansion of our Mechanical Lab to support growing demand for our PR2's.

November, 2021 - Paisano Labs begins delivery of PR2's to Latin American customer, resulting in multi-year supply contract for all three PR2 sizes 4.75", 6.75", 8.25".   Customer integrates PR2 with existing fleet of Tensor-compatible MWD systems.  Contract is eligible for third party financing with Ex-Im Bank guarantee.  

October, 2021 - Paisano Labs delivers automated Borehole Effects Correction software to improve log quality when logging large boreholes (>12" diameter).  Software supports all three PR2 sizes in boreholes up to 22" diameter.  

May, 2021 - Paisano Labs delivers first 8.25" size PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tools for use in West Africa, to incorporate with customer's fleet of 6.75" and 4.75" PR2's.

April, 2021 - Paisano Labs delivers 6.75" PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tools to Latin America to support customer's multi-year contract for LWD memory logging.  The PR2's high-speed acquisition mode uniquely satisfies customer's need for acceptable data density at high rates of penetration.  

January, 2021 - Paisano Labs delivers first GRe Gamma Ray - Enhanced probes to Gordon Technologies for qualification.  GRe is eventually proven to provide superior log quality and reliability in all major U.S. unconventional applications at temperatures > 175 deg. C.

June, 2018 - Paisano Labs verifies PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tool communication with recently updated Tolteq I-Series iMCU firmware using Generic Variables, providing I-Series users with an upgrade path to Resistivity LWD.

May, 2018 - Polaris Guidance Systems adds support for PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tool memory formats.  Polaris Guidance customers can now process PR2 memory files at the end of the job to provide high resolution Resistivity LWD logs and LAS output files to end users.

March, 2018 - Paisano Labs completes Depth of Investigation studies for PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tool. Data is available in easy to understand charts that show how DOI varies with antenna spacing, measurement type & frequency, and formation resistivity.

January, 2018 - Paisano Labs completes delivery of 4.75" and 6.75" PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tools to Latin America customer for use with KeyDrill MWD systems.

December, 2017 - Paisano Labs completes Borehole Correction Charts for PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tool.  Charts show that under most conditions no additional Borehole Corrections are required and help customers identify conditions where borehole may cause errors in resistivity measurements.  

November, 2017 - Paisano Labs completes delivery of 40 GRe Enhanced Gamma Ray probes to customer for use with Tensor-compatible MWD systems.  The GRe provides true 175C Gamma LWD capability. 

September, 2017 - DigiDrill  adds support to its Correlator application for PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tool memory formats.  DigiDrill customers can now process PR2 memory files at the end of the job to provide high resolution Resistivity LWD logs and LAS output files to end users. 

June, 2016 - Paisano Labs completes integration of next-gen rotary ("Bluestar") and Kintec adapters for connecting legacy MWD / Gamma components above and below the PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tool.

May, 2016 - Paisano Labs completes lab testing of PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tool with XXT Directional Module and DrillTek Twin EM Telemetry. Eight PR2 sensor measurements (resistivity, pressure, shock) plus gamma and toolface updates every 17 seconds!

April, 2016 - Paisano Labs completes detailed design of 8.25" PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tool. The tool is available in both conventional 1200gpm flow rate and high-flow 1800gpm version for use with larger diameter bits and motors.

March, 2016 - Paisano Labs delivers first 6.75" PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tool, lab tested to 175 deg. C., for use with customer's Tensor-compatible MWD.
Mezintel adds support for processing of PR2 time-based memory data.  Mezintel customers customers can now process PR2 memory files at the end of the job to provide high resolution Resistivity LWD logs and LAS output files to end users. 

December, 2015 - Paisano Labs delivers two 4.75" PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tools to China for use w/ customer's proprietary and XXT Tensor-compatible MWD systems.  

Q3 2015 - Paisano Labs completes lab testing of optional 3-axis shock measurements for PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tool. Shock data is now available from the PR2 in real time or from PR2 memory data.

Q3 2015 - Paisano Labs completes successful field test of 4.75" PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tool with customer's proprietary MWD / Gamma system. PR2 was run with gamma & bottom mount pulser below and directional module and batteries above.

Q2 2015 - Paisano Labs completes lab testing of PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tool with GE Tensor and Benchtree legacy MWD directional modules.  Communications via generic variables of up to 8 measurements from the PR2 is confirmed

Q3 2014 - Paisano Labs delivers two 4.75" PR2 Propagation Resistivity Tools for use with customer's proprietary MWD / Gamma system.  Both tools are tested while drilling at the Catoosa test facility with excellent overlay of wireline Array Induction logs made immediately after drilling.